Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Ongoing Research Project

A large part of 'Paranormally Curious' is focused around research within several fields associated with the paranormal and parapsychology.

As part of an ongoing research project, we are currently compiling a database of paranormal experiences from people across the world.
While primary aims are geared towards the collection of information/data into a central source, there are also potential aims to collate some information into a printed book.

We're particularly keen to hear accounts of 'After-Death Communication' (ADC).  
This is where someone known to us appears to communicate to us, after their physical death.  This usually feels like someone is saying 'goodbye' to someone, or to comfort that person with the knowledge that life continues.
Although this is still sadly classed as a 'socially uncomfortable' experience, nonetheless it appears to be a common happening. ADCs tend to range from simple dreams and thoughts, right down to specific communications such as telephone calls, full-body appearances and even e-mails & texts.

As current research relates strongly towards personal experiences, we're not currently interested in 'third party' accounts, such as mediumship or advice from tarot/divination readers.  Nor are we interested in messages from ouija boards or other 'tools' used by some people/groups.
Accounts of physical mediumship, such as transfiguration, direct voice & materialization would be of interest - especially those conducted in a controlled environment using strong, visible light.

A list of suitable experiences would include:

Apparitions (whole or partial)
Apportations (the sudden appearance of physical objects) 
Clairaudience (the physical hearing of spiritual activity)
Clairsentience (the sensing of spiritual activity)
Clairvoyance (the sighting of spiritual activity)
Deport (the sudden disappearance of physical objects)
Electronic Communication Sources (TV, Phone, PC, Radio)
Electronic Voice Communications (E.V.P.)
Near-Death Experiences (N.D.E.)
Out of Body Experiences (O.B.E.)
Time Disturbance (the feeling that time has somehow altered)

The overriding purpose of this research and any subsequent publications will be to share information concerning paranormal/spiritual experiences in the hope of 
a) spreading knowledge to the general public concerning the 'paranormal' and the possibilities of the continuation of the soul/spirit beyond our physical deaths. 
b) alleviating general ignorance and stereotyping concerning paranormal research. 
c)  alleviating general fear from those who worry about physical death.
d)  the promotion of knowledge that potential 'life after death' is open to ALL people and not merely those of a certain religious persuasion. 

Personal accounts can be sent in confidence to either of the following emails: 




Naturally, we are aware that privacy can be a key element, or concern, where paranormal subjects are involved.
As made clear to everyone who has so far contributed personal accounts for consideration, we are very happy to use partial or complete aliases for any form of publication.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Paranormal News: Colorado, USA.

'The Colorado Center For Paranormal Studies' has reopened, focusing on topics such as metaphysics, quantum mechanics and the paranormal.

Check out their blog at the link below.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Upcoming Event.


On Friday, October 31st, 2014 - two members of 'Paranormally Curious' will be joining up with 'South Bristol Paranormal Group' for a Halloween investigation of Calidicot Castle in Monmouthshire, Wales, which was built around the year 1100 AD.  

As we have around 8 hours of investigating time, it is planned to focus some individual time on both Proof-Orientated and Process-Orientated experiments, as well as working alongside the team at S.B.P.G. and learning from their vast experience within paranormal research.

Hoping for a hugely interesting evening.  

Monday, 22 September 2014

Can you become involved?

While the hub of 'Paranormally Curious' remains a small, tight community based on trust and mutual intentions, there is always room for expansion and diversity - including the promotion of other people's work in paranormal research and links towards groups who are focused on finding evidence for the continuity of the human soul beyond physical death.

Alongside this, we also have a few ongoing projects - including the creation of a database of personal, paranormal events from around the world.
It is our belief that while one, or a few, personal experiences may not constitute enough evidence for post-mortem survival, a larger number of personal accounts may well shed some new and interesting light on paranormal research.
At the very least, it may simply encourage someone to dispel aspects of fear associated with their own personal experience(s), which is an astonishingly valid reason in its own right - perhaps the most important reason of all.

To add to our written research project, everyone is welcome to share their personal experiences, either on here in the form of comments, or privately, via e-mail to us. 
With a combined total paranormal experience totalling over a century within our team, it is doubtful that you will have experienced something we have not heard before - either partially or wholly.

So far, our contributors have covered areas of clairvoyance, ghosts, hauntings, premonitions, full-body apparitions, telekinesis,  clairaudience, spiritual healing, physical mediumship and more.
The research is ongoing and has no ending point.  It is hoped that certain 'patterns' can be observed from a large pool of information, which may help to give some insight into certain aspects of the paranormal, parapsychological, metaphysical and spiritual subjects.


During some point in the very near future, there is a strong desire to build a small team - based geographically in the county of Gloucestershire, England - which regularly embarks on both small and larger projects associated with paranormal research and investigation.

At the moment, the sketchy information which can be given is that the paranormal research team will:

  • Approach investigation from mostly a proof-orientated aspect, although, as we also have extensive knowledge of process-orientated approaches, these will likely be incorporated into an investigation to give a more rounded picture.
  • Adopt a serious/professional (not dull or boring) approach to our investigations.  If we're going to be freezing cold/soaking wet, while stuck in some eerie castle at 3 AM and starving hungry, then it really needs to be for a specific reason and not just for 'arsing about'.
  • Employ both modern and 'retro' methods of investigation at locations. 
  • This does NOT include objects such as 'ouija boards'. 
  • Nor does it involve an outside medium/psychic.  There are enough mediums/intuitives within the group already.  Intuitive evidence is interesting, especially when it can be backed up/verified by several sources at the same time and all intuitive feelings from investigations will be carefully recorded and analysed.  However the primary direction of investigations will be focused upon spontaneous case research at the locations, especially data which can be recorded on technical equipment and subsequently analysed.


Monday, 15 September 2014

About 'Paranormally Curious'

'Paranormally Curious' is a small group based in the west of England, focused upon exploration and research into all aspects of the paranormal.

As is usually the best opening plan, we're starting 'Paranormally Curious' in small, baby steps.  A long-term intention is to expand it slowly in different and varying directions.


Firstly, as an internet location, we want 'Paranormally Curious' to be a source of reliable, impartial information concerning all aspects of paranormal, parapsychology and spiritual  topics.  
This will include a variety of historical, visual information, a selection of books on various subjects and a page containing links to other online/real world sources of information and interest to students of  paranormal/spiritual research.  

There is also a Facebook page related to this website, in the hope of linking to people worldwide, on similar pathways of further understanding and research within the paranormal/parapsychology. 

Secondly, this space will be a source of documentation for any personal research and experiences.  We are currently building a small research studio for regular, controlled experiments in areas such as: 

extra-sensory perception
physical mediumship
electronic voice phenomena 
instrumental transcommunication.

In time, a further page will be added to this site, documenting and sharing data and personal experiences within this research.

Long-term, there are plans to expand 'Paranormally Curious' out into other areas; particularly the formation of a small paranormal investigation group, based in the west of England and likely working alongside other local groups, to share the cost of investigations.


Currently, there are separate pages concerning 'Paranormal Photographs', 'Parapsychology' and 'Personal Research & Experiments'.
Very soon, two further pages: 'Bookcase' - a selection of books focusing on paranormal research, parapsychology and spirituality...and another page containing 'Links' to other websites and groups containing interesting information and insight into different aspects of the paranormal. 
A further page in the near-future, focusing solely upon personal experiences over the years, that have served to form the foundations of our own personal faith and philosophies.

Via the Facebook group and also here, it is hoped to encourage others to share their personal stories, questions and experiences.

So, it's a slow build...one entry at a time.  

It'll be interesting to see where this can lead.  

About the website author.

A little about the individual behind the typing of this website and the founder of 'Paranormally Curious'.

I originally hail from the glorious city of Bristol in west England and I have been studying this fascinating field of paranormal research for over 40 years. 
This is partly due to the possession of a curious and rational mind that is not geared towards 'guessing at' or - even worse - being lazy enough to adopt stereotypical attitudes towards subjects, without exploring them in the first place.  
Therefore, I want to know the answers...or to put it in more Hollywood style, 'the truth'.  My attitude has always been to explore everything I encounter with a sceptical, open mind.  
    Another reason that I'm inclined towards - and fascinated by - the paranormal is because I have had many personal experiences of it...both as a child and an adult.  
Some of these experiences I can analyse and find a possible natural/scientific reason behind.  
Others are more difficult to explain and it is these specific incidents that impel me onward towards ever-new doors of research and exploration.  

My personal reasons for choosing to research aspects of the 'paranormal' are numerous. 
Above all, I try at all times to keep an open mind, open heart and keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. 
It's my opinion that the best way to approach any paranormal occurrence is to try to cover as much rational/logical ground as possible, before looking for spiritual/unnatural causes.

For me, belief is personal and it should always be that way.  
If I had to be defined then I would probably class myself as an 'open-minded sceptic'.

    Although some unexplained, childhood experiences formed the foundation of my interest in the paranormal, I've been seriously interested in different forms of spiritual development since I reached adult years.  
To this effect, I've studied topics that have peaked my interest and worked towards being able to express/study/heighten them.  
I've studied, expressed and taught various forms of meditation since 1984, spiritual healing since 1986, spiritualist mediumship since 1987 and physical mediumship since 1989.  
I've also studied different forms of divination, including tarot since 1981 and numerology since 1989.  
    While I find each aspect interesting in its own right, I certainly wouldn't class myself as an 'expert' in anything. For me, the fun & fascination lies within learning and exploration.  
There is ALWAYS more to learn.

    To balance my spiritual side, (because I believe there should always be balance) I also have a keen interest in psychology and how the human mind works.  
I've also studied - and continue to study -  parapsychology (the scientific exploration of the paranormal), because I believe it is important to have as much mental ammunition as possible when analysing, or scrutinizing, a subject.  
I like sociology, astronomy and a host of academic scientific and alternative/holistic pathways, because I believe this to be an important foundation for any questioning mind - especially when applied towards paranormal areas that don't lean towards strictly logical/rational explanations, based upon current scientific understanding.  


    So, in short, this website is written by a keen, questioning soul who likes a mystery.  I enjoy exploring spiritual ideas and philosophies, but I also have a rational, logical mind that requires constant feeding.  
I have infinite time for open-minded, rational people who respect the views of others and understand the basic difference between faith and fact.  


Any research done by the members of 'Paranormally Curious' falls under the approach of finding evidence to either encourage or dismiss paranormal claims in any location.

Every location is different.
    Every investigation is different.
        Every research project is different.

    Let the fun commence.  :)